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You need to defeat The Elite Four, go to Mt.Coronet, find Lustrous and Adamant Ord and go to Spear Pillar. There will be 2 kind of portals. Violet is Palkia, blue is Dialga.

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Q: How do you summon Palkia and dalika?
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How do you get Palkia in Pokefarm?

You have to find a Palkia summon item, either from trading, choosing it when you first get an Ultimate account, or in a box. Then you must summon it, and you will get the egg if you have a free spot in your party. Then, you must hatch it by getting clicks from other users. Once it is ready to hatch, hatch it, and then you will have a Palkia.

How do you get the red chain in pearl?

You can't only Cyrus can get it and he uses it to summon palkia

What do you have to do with the orbs for Palkia and Dialga?

in dimond/pearl you go back to spear pillar to get them then you give them to palkia/dialga depending on which game youre playing (dialga in diamond/palkia in pearl). in platinum you use them to summon palkia AND dialga to spear pillar.

What is behind the waterfall in mt. coronet?

admant orb [to summon dialga at spear pillars]if diamond lustrous orb[to summon palkia at spear pillars]if pearl both in platinum

Can you capture Palkia in Diamond?

No, you can't. However, since Diamond allows you to read a book about Palkia, you can get him into your pokedex, and then trade for one using the GTS. That's what I did. Actually, you are wrong. You go to the middle o the ocean, dive, use a pearl, and summon Palkia. To get Palkia in diamond, you recreate the red chain by getting all the lake guardians Azelf, Mespirit, Uxie

What does the picture in celestic town mean?

It doesn't actually do anything. It's just there to show the three spirits and how they can summon the legendary pokemon, whether it's palkia or dialga, with the orb thing.

Can you normal summon then fusion summon on the same turn?

Yes, you are able to normal summon then fusion summon, because the fusion summon is a special summon

Does a Synchro Summon count as a normal summon?

No, a Synchro Summon is a kind of Special Summon.

Where do you battle palkia?

This is where you battle palkia, you battle Palkia at MT.Cornet.

Is summon an adjective?

Summon can be a verb- as to summon someone to court, or it can be a noun- she received a summon(s).

Summon in Minecraft?

/summon playernamehere you can summon when you are an adv builder+

Is tribute summon the same as normal summon in yugioh?

A tribute summon is a form of Normal Summon. So that means you can only tribute summon OR normal summon ONCE per turn.