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If you used an action replay, it may crash. This happened to me. But all I did was wait a while before playing it again and it was fine.

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Q: How do you stop your game crashing on Pokemon diamond?
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Where can you get action replay for Pokemon diamond?

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maybe you used a cheat

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you stop the game and press and hold L+R+A and it will take you straight there

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trade with friends that also have a ds or buy action replay from a local game stop.

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I don't know. You are better of playing Pokemon diamond. Explorers of Time is the worst game ever. If you are older than 10 then you stop playing pokemon.

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you save and then then turn it back on

What is the code to get dexos on Pokemon diamond?

all you hav to do is go to game stop, and they will have a ds download play and you use your ds, and then you will receive it