This depends on what kind of car you are using. If you are using a tool-based one, pressing the x key will usually stop the car. If you are using a seat-based car, letting go of the forward key will be sufficient to stop the car.
y to start x to stop hold mouse pointing in dicreaciton where you want to go
There no way you can stop ROBLOX losing connection to your computer FOREVER.
Fix the code in your game.
To get in a ROBLOX car, you just walk into the door and your character sits. That means your in the car. Now, if you want to DRIVE the car. First, you'd probably need the car tool to drive. If you don't, then walk to the place where the driver usually sits, walk to the seat and your driving. Some times to drive a car on roblox you have to start it with X, and accelerate with wasd.
Unfortunately, there is not way to stop an hacker. If he is any good he will have total control over the sever and shutting down the game is the only way to stop him. If you see a hacker report him to Roblox using the report abuse button.
The keys to drive things on roblox are: W= Forward A= Turn Left S= Go back D= Turn Right If you release all of the keys your car will stop moving.
y to start x to stop hold mouse pointing in dicreaciton where you want to go
There no way you can stop ROBLOX losing connection to your computer FOREVER.
stop hacking!
A Roblox car pin is a pin code you can use to reedeem a Builder's Club membership on the ROBLOX site.
Fix the code in your game.
Just jump!
To get in a ROBLOX car, you just walk into the door and your character sits. That means your in the car. Now, if you want to DRIVE the car. First, you'd probably need the car tool to drive. If you don't, then walk to the place where the driver usually sits, walk to the seat and your driving. Some times to drive a car on roblox you have to start it with X, and accelerate with wasd.
No, Roblox stop billing your credit card when your bc expires
y is to go x is to stop
a tool that helps you drive