its easy just put a outfir they might like than put an outfit u dont want then confirmed on the trade :) :P
you get free clothes from me on woozworld my name is miko12390
ask a good woozen on woozworld to get free.add me on woozworld miko12390 ill give you free
I suppose u shouldnt STEAL, but anyhow, just persuade someone to trade with u, make sure they go first, take it, then go offline,
By telling them
To change your outfit, or clothes, click on the backpack icon at the bottom of your woozworld browser. Once that is opened, you will see a box that says inventory. Click on the t-shirt in that box. If u have any clothes to change into, they will appear, however, if u have no clothes, it will say something like You have no clothes in your inventory If u do have clothes, click on the item of clothing you wish to wear, then a side box will appear, click on the button next to the picture to wear
you get free clothes from me on woozworld my name is miko12390
ask a good woozen on woozworld to get free.add me on woozworld miko12390 ill give you free
They do not steal they borrow
Lila Burpee
You can earn wooz and beex in woozworld by doin objectivz (tasks), and by selling clothes or objects. If you are a V.I.P., you might be able to get free clothes and free wooz on a daily basis. Add me on woozworld. I have three accounts. josmelin, zendayawestbury,cooliolg
Steal them
The group Highwaymen are not known to have stolen any clothes.
steal steel
20.000 people have a woozworld VIP, account.
There are really only 6 ways to do this. 1 - Buy wizard clothes. 2 - Steal wizard clothes. 3 - Have a friend buy wizard clothes for you. 4 - Steal wizard clothes from a friend. 5 - Find wizard clothes. 6 - Make your own wizard clothes.
you click on the clothes you want to wear and it should have a shirt and then you click the shirt and it will put it on you! im lily1cool plzz add me
I suppose u shouldnt STEAL, but anyhow, just persuade someone to trade with u, make sure they go first, take it, then go offline,