visit all the different islands and give celio the ruby and sapphire.
Not regions seen in other games, but you can visit some islands that are introduced in the FireRed and LeafGreen games.
its in one of the islands
you cant
in 4-7 islands
Use a good rod in seafoam islands.
Whirl islands are in the johto region which is not in firered.
You need to have a ticket to get to the islands
To complete the Sevii Islands quest for the Network Machine on Pokemon FireRed and LeafGreen you need to find the Ruby and Sapphire. The Ruby can be found in Mt.Ember and the Sapphire can be found in Chrono Island.
The Sevii Islands(islands 4,5,6,7)
it's rainbow islands and its the 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 islands
theres no such thing as naval islands theres only the sevi islands
Not regions seen in other games, but you can visit some islands that are introduced in the FireRed and LeafGreen games.
Seafoam islands
seafoam islands
nothing i think
its in one of the islands
you cant