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Go to the Xbox Dashboard and go to your profile. Choose Memory card or anything about memory, and chose Sonic the Hedgehog. Once you answer the questions the xbox gives you, your profile should be gone.

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Q: How do you start a new game on Sonic the Hedgehog 2006?
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Related questions

Is Sonic the Hedgehog the worst sonic game?

If you are referring to Sonic the Hedgehog 2006, then yes, it is the worst. If you are referring to Sonic the Hedgehog for Genesis, then no, as it is the game that started the series.

What is sonic's worst game?

Sonic the hedgehog 2006

Is Sonic the Hedgehog for PS3 a 3D game?

Yes, Sonic the Hedgehog (2006) is a three-dimensional game.

Which sonic game did silver the hedghog appears?

sonic the hedgehog 2006

What game is silver and blaze in?

Sonic the hedgehog 2006

What game does mellephasis kill sonic in?

You mean mepilies?In sonic the hedgehog 2006.

Where can you download the sonic the hedgehog 2006 Demo for free?


Which is better Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 or Sonic Unleashed?

People refer to Sonic the Hedgehog 2006 to be the worst Sonic video game ever, whereas they do not say that about Sonic Unleashed. It is only up to you to judge though.

How do you get debug for Sonic the Hedgehog 2006?

There is a mod but not in the normal game you cant

Does Rouge have a crush on Shadow?

No, Rouge have no crush on Shadow.Storyline of game Sonic the hedgehog 2006 has been officialy rejected.

What Sonic games are there on PS3?

Yes Sonic the Hedgehog (the game released in 2006) came out on the PlayStation 3.

What game does sonic die in?

Sonic Next Gen, but is given life by the chaos emeralds.