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No you cant speed up your pets pregnancy but you can fast forward in time but only for two days (in sims time) and when your dog goes into labor youll start to see puppies scatter around the floor and when that happens yo can push play and watch it no sorry there is no cheat for making your pet on sims2 go faster. :(

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Q: How do you speed up your pets pregnancy in sims 2?
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How do you speed up a sims pregnancy?

On sims 2: Type in the cheat bar 'boolprop testingcheatsenabled true' then press shift and the mouse button over your sim. Go into spawn, then tombstone of L and D (life and death), Then press on the tomb stone. Get ur sim pregnant and then click on the tombstone and click on speed up my pregnancy.

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You Sims motives. (needs)

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To make your sims pregnancy speed up...First you go to your neighborhood and click Ctrl, Shift, C and type in: boolprop Testingcheatsenabled true Then you Shift, click your pregnant sim, then click spawn, tombstone of L and d (life and death), then you click speed up my pregnancy if it's not one of the first selections... Click more and it should be there!Have a Happy Pregnancy!

How do you divorce your sims in sims 2 pets?

You cant divorce you 'Break up' But your sims have to be in a very bad relationship

WIll the pets in the sims 3 have different peronalities?

Yes Sims pets will have different personalities because they can't all have the same personalities or your pets will get mixed up with other pet lol!!!!!!!!!

How many people can you have in a household in sims 2 PC?

Up to 8 people, or, if you have Pets, a combination of 10 with no more than 8 sims or 6 pets.

How many pets can you have in the sims pet stories?

you can get up to 4 pets, however if one of your dogs gets pregant you can get up to 12 :)