When you are entering 6th gear, let go of the gas (space bar) then shift into gear 1. The red light may flash a little but do not worry, everything will be fine. DO NOT USE NITROUS WHEN TRYING TO BRAKE, YOU CAN BREAK DOWN YOUR ENGINE!!
By getting off this website and playing drag racer v3.
Corvette Z06
Volkswagen GTI is best
User name: unclepeanuts (No CAPS!) Mode:Easy -Unlocks EVERYTHING and gives you 5000000
The answer is Chevrolet Corvette Z06 385 hp 385 tq.
By getting off this website and playing drag racer v3.
come on ,you can make it
It says that, because your engine overheated.
acura integra
no idea lol sorry
n button
Corvette Z06
U dont