Use your Pal pad(In key items), then select, then it will say(Whatever your name is)'s CODE. Thank you for reading this short paragraph.
You trade Pokemon from Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver to Pokemon Diamond by going to the wifi room in the Pokemon center on the top floor. You also need to have a copy of Pokemon Diamond and have to have a friend or someone who has a copy of Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver. You will see someone there if you are going to trade with someone. Talk to the person you are going to trade with and ask them if they want to trade. The top floor is the Union Room no Friend Code needed the basement is the Wi-fi room, which requires a Friend codes
I believe there are a few trainers that have Luminions, or you could battle a friend that has a Luminion, or you can evolve a Finneon.
you have to see all the Pokemon in the pokedeks
get it from a honey tree
combee. you can see one is slouther honey on a tree.
I will give you my friend code its my name is Chad my code is ...1590 7799 7796 ok see ya then
Get a pal-pad and use it.Then click (your name here)'s friend code
You trade Pokemon from Pokemon Heartgold and Soulsilver to Pokemon Diamond by going to the wifi room in the Pokemon center on the top floor. You also need to have a copy of Pokemon Diamond and have to have a friend or someone who has a copy of Pokemon Heartgold or Soulsilver. You will see someone there if you are going to trade with someone. Talk to the person you are going to trade with and ask them if they want to trade. The top floor is the Union Room no Friend Code needed the basement is the Wi-fi room, which requires a Friend codes
It's so you can see your friend and regester dur.
DEVIN because he has lots of Pokemon and you should get his Friend code to because He has like a lot of rare Pokemon including legendaries.In some friend code answers you'll see his name and his friend code.
there are 150 kinds of Pokemon that you can see and/or obtain. Unless you have friend trade you Pokemon that you can only get in pearl to you, you'll never obtain them all. In Pokemon diamond and pearl all you have to do is see the Pokemon and you get its data unlike the older versions where you have to obtain them.
hi! My name is reanna cruz.i own Pokemon pearl and i have all of the starter Pokemon.(don't ask)I live in sayrville NJ.if you want my friend code my name is Dawn and my friend code is 154723456971.i cant wait to see you until then see you!Hi! My name is Aaron Golish. I am from Up-state New York. I own Pokemon Diamond, Platinum, and Soul Silver. My name is Kindon on all of the games. My friend codes are: Diamond ( 0518-1387-1163 )Platinum ( 4813-1069-8655 )Soul Silver ( 4254-6791-7000 )
u hav to see every single Pokemon
i have one but its in Pokemon pearl the lv is 8 i think so my friend code is 0431-2466-3268 name Preston just post your friend code on here and i will see you later I don't have arceus to trade but i have a shiny roserade i can trade for it
you cant. ask your friend who has Pokemon pearl and see if he can trade you one. it not impassible because you can trade global
In your Bag, in the Key Items pouch, there is an Item called the Pal Pad. Activate it, and inside, you will see a button for your friend code.
Friend Code(Pokemon diamond) Is the game I have if you do to then go to the bottom room of a Pokemon center at 6/27/07 wait for me then... whoops! also be at aWIFI hot spot! my pokename is marshal here is my code "5369 7448 9825" see you there! :-) Look at ASAPmy pokename is treilz and my freind code is056036202282