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you can hit f5, go to system and then save, or system then save as to save the game and not over right the previous game then to load a specific file hit ctrl + L or go to system then to load. i hope that was all you needed

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Q: How do you save the game on pj64 emulater?
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To do this, you need N-Rage plugin for PJ64. Then go to PJ64, open it, but don't choose your game just yet. Go to Settings(Options>Settings), choose N-Rage for your controller plugin, and go to the menu where you configure your controls. Go to the tab on the bottom that says Controller Pak, and choose transfer pak on the drop-down menu. Browse for your GBC ROM, and the .sav file, then play PJ64. This will work with any game.

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A good Emulater website, safe without any viruses will be To get roms (Games)