This game is a parody on the game Heavy Rain. You can not actually save Jason.
press x to go on menu and then press save
Well, you press x on you ds. Then, scroll down to save. Press a and after that, it would say "Would you like to save the game?" Press yes. When you do that, it would say "There is already a saved file. Is it OK to overwrite it?" Press yes again. So there you go! ;D
You press start and then press save game.
press in right stick then triangle then x then o then x then x then square then left trigger right trigger right trigger triangle x then o
Press the Escape button (Esc, beside F1, topleft corner of the keyboard) then press save and quit to title, then you can either hit the X button or the Quit Game button.
press x to go on menu and then press save
It automatically saves. *********** Press start and go to the title menu.
press x then go down two it will say save press a
Press X, then touch Save on the bottom screen.
press x and go down to the save button.
Press X and you will see the save botton click on it and it will save
You press on X button to open the menu, then you go down and press SAVE. It will ask you if you want to save and overwrite the old save, and you press YES twice (two questions) and it saves your game!
Just press the x button use down arrow key until you get to save. Press the a button and it will ask if you want to save the game and press the a button again to press yes it will then save the game.
Press x on your game
Press the X button, and select 'Save', which is the bottom left box. It will ask you if you want to save, and then press yes. Wait momentarily until is says saving complete.
Open the menu with the X button the move the cursor with the arrowkeys down to Save, and the click C and finally press C at the saveslot you want to save on.
press the x button and the menu will show up than just go down to save