There is a space in your description icon to restart the game. You click on your "picture" in the upper right hand corner, and this item is available. They remind you that it wipes everything you've done, so be very sure that you want to do that.
Yes it is a very good game to test your rpg skills and such..
you can complete quests to win cents, or you can win some with an amulet on the wheel of fortune
Yes Evony is a free online game but you can buy game coins ( cents ) in exchange for U.S Dollars. Please note this is optanial.
U can't but.. Yu may start another game on a differant server..
You type in the word "Evony" and then click on "Evony Best Free Game" and it at the bottom it should say "Register and Play Now" once yourfinished click that and your ready to go.
By using ievony to attract more customers
Yes it is a very good game to test your rpg skills and such..
If you are considering restarting your game in Evony, it's very simple. All you have to do is click your player avatar (the picture of a person) at the top right of the Evony window, and at the bottom it says "Restart Game". Hope this helps!
You can select a diffrent server.
you can complete quests to win cents, or you can win some with an amulet on the wheel of fortune
Yes Evony is a free online game but you can buy game coins ( cents ) in exchange for U.S Dollars. Please note this is optanial.
U can't but.. Yu may start another game on a differant server..
No you start all over new even you need to abondon your alliance.
You type in the word "Evony" and then click on "Evony Best Free Game" and it at the bottom it should say "Register and Play Now" once yourfinished click that and your ready to go.
It Lasts 1,000 Years And Then You Have To Restart Your Game Completley. Wrong... You can chage the date of your console to change the date in the game and it will go forever. :)
forever as long as you dont sell them or restart your game
Yes it is free. Though as with any game on the web - you can do more if you buy some coins. Yep, spending money will let you do more faster, but you can play the entire game for free.