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hit new game in the menu

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Q: How do you restart Pokemon games in your DS?
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What if your DS shuts down while your sending Pokemon to your DS and your DS does not get it?

You'll just have to restart the DS system and try the transfer/trade again.

How do you restart DS game Pokemon pearl?

On the title menu press up+b+select that should restart your game

Do Pokemon DS games work on DS i?

Yes they do.All DS games should work on DS, DS Lite, and DSIstupid

Are there any DSi Pokemon games?

there is no new games for the Nintendo ds, its just an upgraded versionof the ds lite, so the ds Pokemon games work all the same

How do you restart Pokemon games?


What was the first Pokemon game on DS?

The first Pokemon games for the DS are Diamond and Pearl.

How do you get to pal park in Pokemon LeafGreen?

no you don't go to pal park in any gameboy game of Pokemon. its only for ds games. you transfer Pokemon from the game boy games to the ds games. for black and white you have a poke transfer place you transfer Pokemon from ds games.

Can Pokemon games in a DS battle or trade with Pokemon games in DSi?

Yes it can.

How do you migrate Pokemon from gameboy Pokemon to ds Pokemon?

You put in both of your games in your ds and go to the migration park.

What Pokemon games are on the ds?


Can the Pokemon Company make DS Lite versions of Pokemon Emerald?

Pokemon Emerald already works for DS Lite, all GBA games work on DS or DS Lite. (It's the bottom socket, opposite the one that takes DS games.

Can you get pokemon emreld on to a ds?

It depends on what ds game you are playing. once you get the national dex there is an area on each of the ds games (different between the sinnoh and unova games) where you can import pokemon from gba games such as emerald. YOU CANNOT TRADE NOR CAN YOU GET A POKEMON BACK FROM THE DS GAME