You have 2 choises:make a new world in server files(the cops and robers map) then when the original first cops and robbers map is done,just load the second one.Or delete the original,put the fresh new map in its place and restart the server
You may mean your smp or server, either way the process is similar. smp: Download the map. Now you need to get it to the folder where the saves are. Simply go into appdata (it may be hidden which you can fix by going into folder options and enable hidden files to be viewed), next enter .minecraft then put the map file into the saves folder. server: download the map. Now you need to put this in your server files, and in server properties change the name of what the world is to the title of the cops and robbers map file.
It's called cops and robbers
O.I.C.U Oh, I see you.
when you jump the bridge, you have to go where the road used to be blocked off by a bulldozer and a big dirt pile and it is right up the road and once you get there all the cops fly off except for cross and a few other cops and you beat the game.
People shout catch, charge, cheers, close the door, congratulations, cops and come here. They begin with C.
You have 2 choises:make a new world in server files(the cops and robers map) then when the original first cops and robbers map is done,just load the second one.Or delete the original,put the fresh new map in its place and restart the server
There isn't a Minecraft cops and robbers, I'm sure there's a public server game mode for it. Check or for their IP address to connect to it.
use your creativity... thats what minecraft is about
That is private server that he uses with his friends. There is no chance you could join, except if you are his friend. You will never get the IP. Deal with it.
go to and search Cops n' Robbers
google "cops and robbers minecraft map" this is what you do for a windows computer download the map right click on it click the option 'show in folder' dont close the folder go to your main computer area (usually on desktop, called "computer", no derr) either type in .minecraft OR %appdata% if you typed in %appdata%- go to "roaming" and find .minecraft if you typed in .minecraft- click on the top result go to the saves file in .minecraft this is when you need that old 'show in folder' thing if its a zipped folder, open it and find the folder with the cops and robbers map in it drag it into the saves file open minecraft play it enjoy if it dosent work than epic fail
You may mean your smp or server, either way the process is similar. smp: Download the map. Now you need to get it to the folder where the saves are. Simply go into appdata (it may be hidden which you can fix by going into folder options and enable hidden files to be viewed), next enter .minecraft then put the map file into the saves folder. server: download the map. Now you need to put this in your server files, and in server properties change the name of what the world is to the title of the cops and robbers map file.
Go to your Start Menu, type in %appdata% and press enter; then enter .minecraft and find your saves folder. Unzip/open the Cops and Robbers archive, and drag the folder in the saves folder. Close, and play.
No. Why would you ever think that? Of course not.
Cops 'n' Robbers was created in 1985.
Cops 'n' Robbers happened in 1985.
Modded Cops and Robbers is another Mind Craft game where players can morph into any player and creature while the prison is filled with mobs. Players fight against mobs while trying to escape the prison.