Actually you can reset the clock. Under the title screen, press Select+Down+B. The game will prompt you to reset the clock. However, it will require a password which depends on your savegame factors such as name, money, and trainer ID.
This site will tell you how to calculate that password:
You are not able to reset the clock in Pokémon Crystal. You can only do this in Pokémon Gold/Silver.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
A fake version of Pokemon gold
Can u trade pokemon between gold version and leaf green
pokemon soul silver/hart gold
You are not able to reset the clock in Pokémon Crystal. You can only do this in Pokémon Gold/Silver.
If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes
well it is a remake of Pokemon gold version there is also a Pokemon pure silver version
A fake version of Pokemon gold
There is no GBA version of Gold Version, but there will be a DS version in March in the US.
No, it is a hack of Pokemon fire red based of Pokemon gold.
trade from sliver
No, sorry. There's no possible way to transfer Pokemon from Gold/Silver/Crystal to Diamond/Pearl. You can, however, transfer Pokemon games to the DS with the following: Pokemon Ruby Version Pokemon Sapphire Version Pokemon Leaf Green Version Pokemon Fire Red Version Pokemon Emerald Version That's it. I hope you found this useful.
You could only buy them in Eba but there is a new version of Pokemon gold its Pokemon Heart gold but its very expensive its $39.99
you cant
Butterfree is in Pokemon Gold Version. Butterfree is pokemon number 13 on the pokedex. It can be obtained by training a Metapod to level 10, at which point it evoloves.