

Best Answer

Actually you can reset the clock. Under the title screen, press Select+Down+B. The game will prompt you to reset the clock. However, it will require a password which depends on your savegame factors such as name, money, and trainer ID.

This site will tell you how to calculate that password:

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Q: How do you reset the clock in Pokemon Gold version?
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You are not able to reset the clock in Pokémon Crystal. You can only do this in Pokémon Gold/Silver.

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If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes

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well it is a remake of Pokemon gold version there is also a Pokemon pure silver version

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Where can you get Pokemon Gold version GBA?

There is no GBA version of Gold Version, but there will be a DS version in March in the US.

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No, it is a hack of Pokemon fire red based of Pokemon gold.

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Can you migragte Pokemon from gold into Pokemon Diamond?

No, sorry. There's no possible way to transfer Pokemon from Gold/Silver/Crystal to Diamond/Pearl. You can, however, transfer Pokemon games to the DS with the following: Pokemon Ruby Version Pokemon Sapphire Version Pokemon Leaf Green Version Pokemon Fire Red Version Pokemon Emerald Version That's it. I hope you found this useful.

Where is Pokemon Gold?

You could only buy them in Eba but there is a new version of Pokemon gold its Pokemon Heart gold but its very expensive its $39.99

How can you get Lugia in Pokemon Gold version?

you cant

Is Butterfree on Pokemon Gold version?

Butterfree is in Pokemon Gold Version. Butterfree is pokemon number 13 on the pokedex. It can be obtained by training a Metapod to level 10, at which point it evoloves.