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Found on GameSpot forums.

My results with the code: key items still appear to be present, but are now overwritten with other items, unlike in previous attempts. It also cleared my Ball pocket. It should work for Action Replay (North America) and AR Duo, possibly others as well.

RNG Kill - [Patch type]

66BC3257 9381D042

8E883EFF 92E9660D

Button Activator - Press Select+L

3CDE8216 3875A404

Clear Key Items Pocket (RNG)

A589B85A 5B28BA0A

C9E803DF 568E296C

After activating all 3 codes at the same time:

1. Open the trainer card

2. Press B

3. Press Select + L

4. Check for results. If they don't show, don't worry about it. Just save and test by switching bikes or obtaining a key item.

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