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You have to go in the Nether and find a nether fortress, the Blaze mob is the one that drops blaze rods. They can spawn in the fortress without a spawner but they are very common when you are near one. You can make a roof over the blaze spawner so they are trapped because the way they move around is flying and hovering. Its better to kill a blaze using that method with a sword than it is to use a bow on a blaze out in the open. Blaze rods can be used to make Brewing Stands and Blaze Powder.

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Q: How do you relieve a blaze rod in minecraft?
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How do you relieve a blaze of its rod?

All you have to do to relive a blaze of its rod it find a nether fortress then find and kill a blaze you have to make an obsidian gate to get to the nether.

How do you retrieve a blaze of its rod in Minecraft?

Blaze Rods are an item drop you get from defeating Blazes in the Nether.

What number is a Blaze rod on minecraft?

Data Value #: 369

How do you use blaze powder on minecraft?

You obtain blaze powder from blazes. Blazes are found in the nether. The spawner are found in Nether fortresses. They look like destroyed castles. Then when you kill a blaze, JUST put the blaze rod in a crafting bench. The rod should be powder. Nether -> Fortress -> Spawner -> Blaze -> Blaze Rod -> Crafting table -> Powder

How do you make blaze powder in Minecraft?

make it by putting a blaze rod in ur crafting square 2 by 2or 3 by 3

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fishing rod- 3 sticks + 2 string stick (wood rod)- made by two wooden planks (makes 4) blaze rod- dropped by a blaze in the nether

How do you make a blaze rod in Minecraft?

You don't make them, you have to find a mob called a Blaze in the Nether (almost always in Nether Fortresses), then kill them to get Blaze Rods, which they may drop.

How do you make a brewing stand in Minecraft?

You can make a brewing stand in minecraft by using a blaze rod in the middle row middle column and 3 cobblestone on the bottom row.

How do you get a blaze rod in Minecraft?

There's a monster called a Blaze, they spawn in the Nether, in Nether Fortresses. Blaze Rods are their drop item.and Blazes you can find them in the Nether.and there spawn er. there from the fortress of it and when you put water you can kill it ,because its weakness is water.

How do you craft an Eye of Ender in minecraft?

kill a lot of blazemen (in the nether) and endermen to get a lot of enderpearls and blazerods. in your crafting table put the blaze rod in to make blaze powder, then get a blaze powder and put it next to a enderpearl, you have an 'eye of ender'

How do you make a lightning rod in minecraft?

1. Get a stick or a blaze rod 2.get a anvil 3. get an enchanted book called fire 11 4.put the rod first then put the book in the second box

How do you make a brewing stand in Minecraft 1.7.4?

To make a brewing stand, get 1 blaze rod and 3 cobblestone. Open a crafting table, and put the 3 cobblestone accross the bottom row, 1 cobblestone in each slot. Then the blaze rod in the very middle of the table.