To refill ammo you must either reload or find an ammo box. (im not sure if they have ammo boxex in chaos theory). Other than that you just need to make due with what they give you. Its all part of the game
You need to look for ammo in every mission i think and i mean really look for it
At the main menu press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down for unlimited health and ammo this is only cheat i could find and dont know if it works
grassland: More trees in the shotgun: All special ammo is shotgun.burningman: All special ammo is flamethrower.shoopdawhoop: All special ammo is lazer.almighty: God mod. Player is invulnerable and can fly. Clicking with the mouse spawns dead bodies and adds 10 ammo to each weapon.
well,you need the hack for unlimited ammo,i guess.
When your on Ace Gangster you go to the end of the map where the warehouses and you will see a question mark and press z and buy ammo's been awhile. i think you gotta take out your gun and press A, depending on what system you're playing it on. preferably xbox
you buy ammo
You need to look for ammo in every mission i think and i mean really look for it
You don't use it it refills ammo automatically so tough luck
You can find tomahawk ammo by searching through undead bodies when they are dead, and by going to boxes which refill your ammo.
It is a type of round that is scored to intentionally splinter and breakup as it hits a target that has a change in density
You can attach it to the bottom of two clips so that you can flip it over and stick the clip in when you are out of ammo.
sorry to tell you, but the closest you get to cheats is beat it on easy then using the armory to refill ur ammo on hard mode.
no because they wanted to kill the multi so we wont share our maps., djkafnanisfgb awulbawa,fjawkl sfuha
No. The Masterkey attachment is basically a shotgun attached to an automatic weapon. The Scavenger Perk allows you to pick up ammunition from enemies if the ammunition matches one of your guns and you have the room (you don't have the absolute limit for ammo).
i hav 4 ps2 unltd. health=r2,r3,r1,l2,l3,r3 unltd. ammo=x,square,circle,circle,r1,l2,left'right
At the main menu press Up, Down, Left, Right, Right, Left, Down for unlimited health and ammo this is only cheat i could find and dont know if it works