is a weapon you get with a t-shirt code that i don't know
A179DH is my code i don't need it
There is no prize code available for that particular game.
stayclassy=prize code for armor
It is a scam.
i have no clue
its to late. you buy a limited shirt and you will get the code.
its chrismas2431
is a weapon you get with a t-shirt code that i don't know
Code=Never stoped gaming
A179DH is my code i don't need it
Yea type the code in redem.
There are a couple of different schools of thought with the ShadowScythe T-shirt codes. The first is the purchase of the special edition shirt is required. Each shirt comes with a unique code and each code can only be used once. The second is many have said the codes are a scam.