type in this wonder mail code 4mp=k98#ct%yr@--&p7%%k86 then go to the farthest floor of mt. avalanche ( unlocked in w.m code) and you will find articuno guarding one of the seven rare treasures the ice Flute beat him and he will ask u for a recruit to join your team but i highly suggest bringing a golden mask or something like that. because he has a low recruit rate's your welcome.:)
Eevee is rather tricky to recruit, but you can find them in Joyous Tower floors 12 to 17.
i think lv 45.
Actually Cubone is available for a starter in Pokemon mystery dungeon (red, as far as I know) as long as you display a lonely personality for the questions in the beginning.
the 1s out now r mystery red dungeon blue dungeon exspores of time exsplores of darkness there the popular 1s {p.asome of them i did nottype mysteru an d Pokemon do not get mixed up}
You can in Mystery Dungeon Blue and Red. You can get Articuno in Time and Darkness too, if you use wonder mail. From N.S.
in frossy getto
It is in a cave
In solar cave you get there after you beat rayquaza
only if yhe legend on your team is small like entei can recruit suicune i think
in frosty forest clearing
you cant find cranidos in mystery dungeon blue/red its a sinnoh pokemon and rescue team red/blue is based on hoeen which came before sinnoh so no, you cant recruit it but you can recruit it in mystery dungeon sky/time/darkness hope this helped!
No, you can't, because when Pokemon Mystery Dungeon Red came out the Sinnoh Pokemon didn't exist yet.
first recruit articuno, zapdos, and moltres. go to their friend area they will give you a vertex gem it will give you access to silver trench go through 99 floors of water Pokemon lugia is on next floor defeat him then you exit the dungeon go through it again and you can recruit him
purity forest
Yes you can
you have to battle with lv 25 Pokemon