You have to just wait a while and one day when you go to work you might see someone trying to steal something and you report it so you get a bonus.
Eventually one day it will say for example "you see a coworker trying to steal stuff" if you report them then you get a bonus
i dot think you can have a job on sims 3 only on sims 3 ambitions:)
The Sims 3 includes only the base game.The Sims 3 Deluxe includes the base game and Ambitions, the first of the Expansion Packs.You can buy Ambitions separately and add it to Sims 3.
I only have sims 3 for iPhone (swell as sims 3 ambitions) but I don't think you can have kids in just sims 3. As for sims 3 ambitions, I think you need to bemarried first and after a couple of other 'romantic' things it will become an option.
No. It comes with ambitions on sims 3
Eventually one day it will say for example "you see a coworker trying to steal stuff" if you report them then you get a bonus
i heard that you just have to play alot with kids and not be late for work
If you catCh someone stealing report it to your boss then you'll get a bonus sometimes you just get it and you dont need to do anything
I am stick on that to but apparently you just play with several children and have a child too :) hope this helped!
I tried this twice and it worked :). Go around town and play and feed some of the towns babies. Do it for awhile. Then go to work (you dont have to do it right away) you will get a teaching bonus!
Some day after work the thing will freeze and you will play a mini game were you have to find the toy that the kid wants and when you reach the top level you get an unlock able prize
You can get married on the Sims 3 ambitions
If you are talking about Sims 3 ambitions on an ipod then you can't :( Sorry
You can play the sims three on the iPod/iPhone/iPad.
No. Ambitions has all features, or most from sims 3 original app plus the ambitions features. I sadly wasted my money without knowing on ambitions, adventures and sims 3 original. Wish I just got ambitions and adventures.
No. Although The Sims 3 is avaliable for the PS3, there isn't a PS3 version of The Sims 3 Ambitions.
The sims 3 ambitions does.