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When the ps3 is off, hold down the power button on the system for about 10 seconds. It should turn on right as you press it then it will turn off and on again. It will restore settings to normal.

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Q: How do you reboot your PS3?
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What happens if you reboot your ps3?

the hard drive crashes

Why won't my PS3 play PS3 games or blu ray?

Because your Disk drive is broken I suggest trying a reboot which you can find on the Internet, get it fixed or you can buy a new ps3

How do I make my PS3 faster?

The best way to make your PS3 faster is to reboot it. If you do not want to loose your stuff you may want to save it to the PS3 network or a removable USB drive.

Is there an original Spyro game for PS3?

Sadly not. The original and reboot LoS series' both ended before the PS3 was introduced. All we have now are Sylanders games, which, due to my insufficient knowledge of the series, may or may not be on the PS3.

What is the Linux command to reboot?

$su $reboot or $sudo reboot

What is the duration of ReBoot?

The duration of ReBoot is 1380.0 seconds.

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Will the Predator movie reboot have a female cast?

No & it's not a reboot.

When did ReBoot end?

ReBoot ended on 2001-11-30.

When was ReBoot created?

ReBoot was created on 1994-09-10.

When was Reboot - album - created?

Reboot - album - was created in 2011.

Will South Park get a reboot?

No. There's no reason for South Park to have a reboot.