Just verse Rosey. After you beat the game, she becomes a master fighter, and if you beat her, you get 10 points.
you will have to go to the villige chef and there will be alot of quest including rank 1,rank 2,rank 3. and when you finish all the rank(1) quest you level up to H.R 2 and so on.
By ranking up to a certain level ( i think it is rank 2 or rank 3)
You can reach rank 44.
cyndaquil learns ember at level 12 a easy way to level your cyndaquil up is at sprout tower the bellsprout are weak against cyndaquil
No , you can only de rank yourself by prestiging after level 70 for more titlels etc ^-- incorrect. nowadays, you can be deranked as well as up-ranked. it just happened to me. hackers reset your stats so you lose all attachments, camos, etc. your rank will stay the same but you will lose all attachments
you get Dinomation by getting 100 Vivosaurs up to rank 12 and that's how you get Dinomation!
Well first you have to be a master fighter. Then you have to have a good team like Dynal in the front guan on the top and compso on the bottom and they all have to be rank 11/12. Finally you have to keep battling your friends such as Rosie and Dr Diggins. To rank up all the vivosaurs you put them in the 2 back spaces. Hope this helped!
You can get by collecting every vivosaur and level each one up to rank 12.
he ranks up after reaching level 40 for final boss rank
After you beat the game and build the time machine, you get 3 strong vivosaurs and put 2 weak ones in the reserves and they should level up very quickly
Download them from the Nintendo Channel, if you have a Wii. Or if you don't have one. Get all 100 Vivosaurs up to Rank 12 and get all 5. Collect the fossils at the Fossil Lawn at the Park Area. You can also use three of them and take on Gunash. If you win, you can unlock Gunash itself.
you can't level up with minor skills. only your major skills level you up. you can still level up minor skills even after you reach your max.
Your rank is dpended on standing with contacts you can rank up fast by doing the earlyer contacts because high branch contacts level up slower
you will have to go to the villige chef and there will be alot of quest including rank 1,rank 2,rank 3. and when you finish all the rank(1) quest you level up to H.R 2 and so on.
Depends on your opinion of "strong." Vivosaurs get stronger every time they rank up. They can rank up through a lot of fossil battles, or by you getting a good score when cleaning parts. Every 50 points (the total... so this includes cleaning points AND battle points) gives them 1 additional level (50 points=Rank 1, 150 points=Rank 3, etc.)The different sizes also play an important part. You can have teams of only one size, or a mix of the sizes.Small-sized vivosaurs aren't #1 for attack power, but they're great for support effects. Having Tro and M-Raptor in the S-Z give a great boost to your A-Z vivosaur. Of all the small-sized vivosaurs I've found and used, Nychus has the strongest attack. I believe it's 64 when Nychus is rank 12. Small-sized vivosaurs typically have low-FP skills, so they're good towards the beginning of the game for doing as much damage as possible.Large-sized vivosaurs don't have the best support effects of all times, but they have great attack power. Having a team of large-sized vivosaurs is great for taking out enemies quickly. The large-sized vivosaurs don't come with low-FP skills, so it'll probably be easier to use them when you get a higher fighter level. Having a vivosaur on the team with FP-Plus helps, too.Medium-sized vivosaurs are more towards the middle. They don't have the highest attack, and they don't have awesome support effects. They're meant to be balanced. I can't say I've done a whole lot of battling with them, but they're good additions to a team.Personally, I haven't used titanic-sized vivosaurs at all. Ever. So I honestly don't know what kind of attack power they have. They're long-range class, so they'll do the same damage from the S-Z as from the A-Z, but their support effects will punish your A-Z vivosaur. Their skills also cost quite a bit of FP, making it hard to use your full team very well. There are 3 exceptions to the bad support-effects rule for titanic-sized vivosaurs, but none of them are long-range. The 3 together still make a very powerful team. You have to do a few "quests" of sorts to get them, though.Personally, I don't think size really matters with your teams. Just making use of type advanatages/disadvantages and ranking up your team will get you through pretty much anything and everything.
I think I know what you mean... Captian Woolbeard treasure, eh? Umm... well... you get it in a treasure box and it's help to get your vivosaur's rank up(a book of raising skill and rank) and you'll probably find three treasure boxes so look for them all and find that book!!!! Good Luck! ( When you get way, way farther the battles are really tough so try to level up your vivosaurs!) HOPE THIS HELPED!!! :) ~Michi
to rank up vivosaurs battle and get new parts to that vivosaur to rank up YOURSELf... finish the objective of the chapter (for example when you beat badge dealer joe and get Rosie`s badges back)Then you can go to the Level-up battle in fossil stadium