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You give him or her lots of food

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Q: How do you raise your health on monsters?
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How do you get your moshi monsters health uo?

Playing with your monster, taking it shopping, feeding it and decorating its room will help to raise your monsters health.

How do you raise your monsters health on moshimonsters?

You have to feed him lots of food, the best is roarberry cheesecake. Go home and feed your monster

How do you raise happiness on Moshi Monsters?

You have to go shopping to raise your happiness

What do monsters do to your health?

Monsters are not real, and therefore, cannot harm you.

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What is Echidnas powers?

to create monsters and raise them to be evil/ greek myth

What is the highest health you can get on Moshi Monsters?

The highest health that could be obtained is 999.

How do you get 999 percent health on moshi monsters?

To get 999 health points on Moshi Monsters, you need to feed your monster. Each food has a different amount of health points and happiness points, so you may need to feed your monsters more than one food.

How do you lower your monster's health in moshi monsters?

Well, the only way to lower your monster's health on Moshi Monsters would be by not feeding it. Your monster will eventually get sick.

How do you get experience in moshi monsters?

Playing the puzzles with your monster will help to raise its level.

How do harp seals raise their offspring?

Add me on moshi monsters mimosa2334 and sam47528596

How do harp seal raise their young by themselfs?

Harp seals raise there young by following them around add me on moshi monsters mimosa2334