

Best Answer

You buy a bed at the W-Shop and click on it and your pet will sleep!

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Q: How do you put your webkinz to sleep online?
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What is your code for Webkinz?

It's a secret code that you use to put your Webkinz online

David Archuleta Webkinz?

if you are asking if david archuleta has a webkinz the answer is OF COURSE NOT and if you are asking if there is a david archuleta webkinz that you can buy and put online the answer is still OF COURSE NOT

Is there a bed on Webkinz that two Webkinz can sleep on?


Do you have to own a webkinz to register your mazin hamster?

You see in order to put your hamster on-line. Yess you do need to have a Webkinz. This is because with out a webkinz you will not have access to the Webkinz world which also means no access to the code shop which is what you need to put your hamster online.

How long does a webkinz account last?

one year from the date of your latest webkinz entry (if you buy a new webkinz it goes on until one year after you put it online)

Is A76CC98B a Webkinz code?

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO...............................................And that's easy since you put it online...........

Where does Webkinz's Robin sleep?

Where ever you want it to sleep!

Can you buy webkinz online?

There are some online stores where you can buy webkinz pets. Just Google the word WEBKINZ.

What is a little white dog's secret code in webkinz world?

All Webkinz codes are different, even for the same pet. You would have to go online and search for the animal you want, buy it, and it will come with the secret pet code.

Where do you get Webkinz codes?

anything with webkinz on them or online at stores

Can Webkinz sleep outside?

No, I do not think so.

What do the signature Webkinz do?

They look more realestic also they come with a wish token online and you can put it in the wish machine.