It depends on what controls you have on, but if its default press and hold X.
There are no cheat codes for Halo: Reach, nor any of the other Halo installments. However, glitches, or, bugs in the games programming, are abundant. Try Google to find Halo: Reach glitches, but remember; Nobody likes a Glitch Abuser.
as a matter of fact it is halo reach. Halo reach is like all of the halo games put together, but even better! =) hope this helpedEdit Erix_D: The above message is a matter of opinion so there can be no real answer to the best Halo game.
You put in your Halo 3:ODST campaign disk and go to play the BETA and download it.
just put down a hill marker, go on options 'advanced' and put in safe haven. make spawn points 'red' for humans and 'blue' for zombies have fun!
i believe bungie has a small team left to create more add ons for halo reach. so they might have an armor add on or just put it on the full version.
Halo reach gets put in your hand....
In halo reach,You can not use cheat codes.nor in any halo game
Push the right joystick to bring it up, and again to put it down.
If it's a turret weapon, you can press 'B' to drop it, or press 'Y' to switch to another weapon and the turret weapon will be dropped.If you are dual wielding, press 'Y' to switch to another weapon and the left hand weapon will be dropped.If one or both of your two primary weapons are out of ammo, you cannot drop them, you can only replace them with another weapon with ammo or find more ammo for the weapon you have.If you mean 'lower' your weapon, you can only do it on local campaign mode. Press and hold the left and right bumpers (LB and RB) and down on the d-pad, then press 'A' to jump. When you land, your weapon should be pointing at the ground (until you fire it again). There are a couple of weapons that won't do this at all.
No You Can't, But The Original Forge (Oracle) Is In Halo: Reach. (What Is AI?)
sorry kid its done but you should have put in your halo odst disc campain disc and it would say reach reach reach
The HALO REACH multiplayer beta is coming in May. When it does come out put your Halo 3 ODST game disk in and in should be on the Disk menu.
No, the story is not yet over there is more to it Halo: Reach was a story way from the beginning that was put into this game.
There are no cheat codes for Halo: Reach, nor any of the other Halo installments. However, glitches, or, bugs in the games programming, are abundant. Try Google to find Halo: Reach glitches, but remember; Nobody likes a Glitch Abuser.
you make a halo reach racetrack by putting alot of walls or something that a vehicle can fit on and put alot of twists and turns
as a matter of fact it is halo reach. Halo reach is like all of the halo games put together, but even better! =) hope this helpedEdit Erix_D: The above message is a matter of opinion so there can be no real answer to the best Halo game.
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