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When you sign up, it will ask you for your age. Click the big button that says 13 or older.

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Q: How do you put it on 13 and older on Roblox?
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To get free chat in ROBLOX you have to be 13 or older. When you create your account, they will check if you are 13 or older by you birthday information.

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If you are over 13 years of age as you put for ur age when you signed up, then you can free chat. i put my reglur age and im under 13 and i can still talk on roblox add kingsguard as friend on roblox

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Either wait 'till 13 or get a parent to sort it out.

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You would of needed to put your age 13 or older for chat rights.

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you have to be 13 years old or older if not you have to wait until your 13,so sorry you will have to make a new account and say your thirteen

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You must be older than 13, and have your parents approval, send an email to you, XD, or to your parents for you/he/she to approve it.

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it's quite easy really, just put all your information in. But if you are under the age of 13, you will have to sign in using your parents account. Then you can chat because chatting is free, you might be playing rublux if it's not free

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there isn't a limit but you have to be 13+ to be able to talk without having a parent give you permission, but if you are under then u are able to play just not with able chat until u turn 13, but tbh alot of people fake it.

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You have to put your age is 13(+) to be a freechatter. I've never been completely sure, for I had put 'Im 13' on my register thing...If it isn't the 13, then you have to accept a thing on your Email.

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