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you can if you iether mod ur system or use swap magic 3 to play backup discs once your system has this capability you can download the songs and burn um to a blanc dvd-r or dvd-rw

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Q: How do you put custom songs on Guitar Hero 2 for PS2?
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How do you get your own custom songs on Guitar Hero 3?

As you have Guitar Hero 3 on the PS2, you aren't able to get custom songs, however, if you have guitar hero 2, you are able to put the disk (assuming it's a proper copy) and in your computer. Youtube can help with this, but you can use "scorehero". Look that up on google. :)

Can you put custom songs on guitar hero encore rock the 80's for ps2?

yes its possible, just copy the songs then boom!

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How do you make a custom guitar hero 1 song for ps2?

u dont

How do you download songs to Guitar Hero 3 for slim ps2?

Im not sure but i think if you put your ps2 on the internet then go on the guitar hero site or rob people...idk why

How do you download songs onto Guitar Hero 3 on ps2?

you have to use a computer to do it

Can you play all songs on the easy difficulty level in Guitar Hero for PS2?

I don't have the PS2, but I could. i can do most of them on the guitar but all of them on the controller

Can you plug any guitar from Guitar Hero in any Guitar Hero game for ps2?

yeah, if the guitar from guitar hero IS for ps2 lol. {:

Can you Edit the game database for ps2?

yes you can,on guitar hero they make modiffied songs

Can you put more songs into guitar hero 3 for ps2 by putting the CD into your computer?


Guitar Hero 3 ps2 guitar works with Guitar Hero world tour PS2?

Yes :)

How many guitar heros are there?

There 12 are including: Guitar Hero (PS2) Guitar Hero II (PS2,XBOX 360) Guitar Hero Encore: Rocks the 80s (PS2) Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock (PS2,XBOX 360,PS3,Wii) Guitar Hero: Aerosmith (PS2,XBOX 360,PS3,Wii) Guitar Hero: On Tour (DS) Guitar Hero: On Tour Decades (DS) Guitar Hero: World Tour (PS2,XBOX 360,PS3,Wii) Guitar Hero: Modern Hits (DS) Guitar Hero: Metallica (PS2,XBOX 360,PS3,Wii) Guitar Hero: Smash Hits (PS2,XBOX 360,PS3,Wii)