On Moshi Monsters, you cannot put clothes in your room. It's impossible. But you can put them on your monster!
This is an item you are given to put on the wall in your monsters room when you become a Moshi Member.
Open your bag and drag the goop to your Super Moshi Monster, then drag the Morph Stone to your Super Moshi Monster, and then your monster should change into a Glump.
They are a mix of seeds that you put in your garden. If the mix is right then you will get a moshling.
how to put on clothes 4 your monster1)go to the map2)click on the dressing room3)click on the clothes that you see on the right, then drag it to your monster's body...
make vanilla and then put cocoa and white icing
you talk to the barrel dude and iggy come out you put iggy in the apple bobbing thing and you get the eye
you put the secret code in its this hobbididance if you do not get Iggy u will get Roxythe seed will be in your garden ready to plant on the seed it will say Roxy seed or Iggy seed
On Moshi Monsters, you cannot put clothes in your room. It's impossible. But you can put them on your monster!
Moshi Monsters are not designed to sleep. If they do sleep, it would be when you are not playing with them.
There's no direct link between Moshi Monsters and Twitter.
This is an item you are given to put on the wall in your monsters room when you become a Moshi Member.
Open your bag and drag the goop to your Super Moshi Monster, then drag the Morph Stone to your Super Moshi Monster, and then your monster should change into a Glump.
Once you join Moshi Monsters and put a name in, you are unable to change it.
Any where but it is better to put it on here
put at least two slopcorns on
They are codes you get when you buy something moshi monsters. To use the code put it in the third box when you are loging in.