you have to obtain the HM strengh and teach it to a Pokemon in your party. after that just stand in front of the rock and press the B button.
you first you beat a gym leader then you get the hm strength and teach it to a Pokemon then you push some boulders
Use Strength. It can be obtained at Olivine City in a building next to the Pokemon Center where there is a sailor inside. Teach your Pokemon Strength so that you can push aside big boulders.
You have to use a HM called strengh.
use strength
You teach a Pokemon strength.
Push them in a way so that you can go through, if your doing the tanoby key puzzle the last boulders you want to push is the bottom boulders.
you first you beat a gym leader then you get the hm strength and teach it to a Pokemon then you push some boulders
those are boulders that have to be pushed around by using strength
HM Strength is used to push large, grey boulders (not to be confused with rugged rocks).
Use Strength. It can be obtained at Olivine City in a building next to the Pokemon Center where there is a sailor inside. Teach your Pokemon Strength so that you can push aside big boulders.
just push all the boulders
you mest get the hm strength.
Yes it can learn strength
You get the TM STRENGTH and then give it to a Pokemon.wohoo
You have to use a HM called strengh.
use strength