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you prounce it pur-glee

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Q: How do you pronounce purugly?
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Related questions

What type Pokemon is purugly?

Purugly is a Normal-type.

What type of Pokemon is purugly?

Purugly is a Normal type pokemon.

Where do you get a purugly in Pokemon diamond?

rout 222 but watch tv in the game and look for sorms of purugly

What is the national pokedex number for Purugly?

Purugly is #432 in the national pokedex, and it is a Normal type Pokemon.

What did you get when you breed a ditto and a purugly?


What level does purugly?

at level 26

Where do you get purugly in platinum?

u cant sorry

When does purugly learn hypnosis?

Level 13.

Is purugly ugly?

well i believe so :]

What level does purugly evolve?

at level 26

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How do you get purugly in Pokemon Platinum?

In the Pokemon Platinum video game, the Pokemon called Purugly is only obtainable via trade. Because its first evolution, Glameow, is only available in Diamond and Pearl, it must be first evolved into Purugly and then traded to Platinum. It may also be caught in the wild in Pearl and then traded.