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You can't, as this could lead to hacking.

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Q: How do you plug your Nintendo ds into the computer?
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Is a Nintendo DS a computer?

yes any ds is a computer

Where to buy Nintendo ds lite memory card reader and how to download Nintendo ds game from the computer and the plug to drag in?

You can get flash carts such as the R4 or acekard, which read memory cards, but it is against this site's Terms of Use to tell you where to download Nintendo DS games (or ROMs)

Can you play Animal Crossing on a if you can what site?

No you can't, unless you get Wi-Fi and plug it into your computer in which you can connect with other people on your Wii or Nintendo Double Screen (Nintendo DS)

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How do you work wi-fi on your Nintendo ds?

You plug it in to your computer and connect to the internet for Nintendo (Wi-fi). You can buy a certain package that has everything you need in it at walmart, target, etc.

How do you choose what your character looks like on acww?

(Only Do It If your Nintendo developer's system is plugged to your Personal Computer!) Plug your game"ACWW"to that computer and DS and choose your player!

Where can you download the Nintendo DS for your computer?

You can't.

What is a USB wireless adapter?

The Nintendo USB Wi-Fi Connector is for people who want to play Nintendo DS games on a WiFi network but do not have a wireless modem. Just plug it into a computer that is connected to the internet and you can access the internet as a wireless network on your DS.

How can you make your computer load your Nintendo ds lite?

you cant load a ds lite to your computer its impossible

How do you connect with another player for nintendo DS in a computer?

by turning on the computer

How can you get on the computer from the Nintendo DS?

On the regular Nintendo DS, you cannot go on the Internet Browser. However, on the newly released Nintendo DSI, you are able to browse the net.

Can you trade Pokemon from one ds game to another ds game on the same Nintendo?

No, you have to have 2 Nintendo DS's to be able to trade but you do get an a attachment for you're DS that allows you to plug it into the DS card slot and have two DS card slot's