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You put the cursor thingy over Kirby's picture and press A. Then Press + or Start.

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Q: How do you play with Kirby in Super Smash Bros.?
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How do you get Kirby's stage on Super Smash Bros. brawl?

Play as Kirby 20 times and you will get Green Greens [Kirby's stage].

How do you get the Kirby tree stage on Super Smash Bros Brawl?

Play as Kirby 20 times and you get the Green Greens stage.

Why cant you play Super Smash Bros after you download it?

because it impossible for to play it for super smash bros

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Get Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Can you play Super Smash Bros. Brawl?

You can only play it on the wii P.S SSBM (Super smash bros. melee is for the gamecube SSB (Super smash bros. is for theN64)

Where can you play Super Smash Bros. brawl?

You can only play it on the wii P.S SSBM (Super smash bros. melee is for the gamecube SSB (Super smash bros. is for theN64)

Is Kirby playable in super Mario 64?

I have palyed through all levels and collected more than 83 stars and explored everywhre I can. I have not seen kirby in the game at all, let alone been able to play him. It is possible that I have not found out how to get him or how to play him, but I think it is very doubtful. Kirby is a different Nintendo characters the only games the two are in together is super smash bros super smash bros melee and supper smash bros brawl hope this helps.

How can you play Super Smash Bros. online?

You can't, but there is a game like Smash Bros., Super Smash Flash.

How do you get all Kirby music in Super Smash Bros Brawl?

You could just play some brawls until you get some music and hopefully you will get some of the Kirby music.

Is goku in Super Smash Bros. brawl?

No, there is no way to play as Goku in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Where do you play Super Smash Bros?

You would play super smash bros at gamestop, at home, online, and maybe at your local arcade