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There are several different types of croquet, including the one played in a backyard.

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Q: How do you play the game croquet?
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Related questions

How you play croquet not soccer?

To learn Croquet you have to learn the rules of Croquet and play accordingly. Soccer is a completely different game.

What game does Alice play in Alice in Wonderland?


What game did Sioux play?

apparently they played croquet but i don't really know

How many croquet hoops are there in a game?

There are a total of nine hoops in the game. There is a pin at either end of the field with two hoops each. There are two hoops on either side of the field, and one in the middle. Play starts from either end with the player going through the two hoops at the pin. Then play goes to the first hoop on the right, then the middle, the next hoop on the right, then through both hoops at the other end and the ball then must touch the pole. Play is then repeated going in the opposite direction. The first player to go through all the hoops and touch the pin wins the game.

What game does Alice play with the Queen of Hearts and what was weird about it?

Alice plays a game of croquet with the Queen of Hearts. The notable feature of the game is that the balls are live flamingos and the mallets are live hedgehogs, making it a whimsical and nonsensical version of the traditional sport.

When did croquet start?

While there is debate, croquet was most likely invented in France in the 14th century.

What is the name of a game play on horseback?

Polo is one such game. It is a bit like croquet in that a wooden mallet is used to drive a ball.

Why are there rules in croquet?

So that players fully understand how to play the game.

How awesome is croquet?

not awesome at all. ( unless you play croquet like in Alice in wonderland )

How do you use croquet in a sentence?

in parris people play croquet for fun made this for fun =D

What is an old game in which a ball is driven through an iron ring with a mallet?


What is the stick to play croquet with called?
