You don't get a supreme commander in the game supreme commander 2.
You can't play it online. You need a iDevice to play it.
Some PS3 games have online play. When you own the game, have an online connection, and the game disc is in the machine you can play online
Some PS3 games have online play. When you own the game, have an online connection, and the game disc is in the machine you can play online
Online is the only way to play Dragonvale!
You don't get a supreme commander in the game supreme commander 2.
Supreme Commander Forged Alliance is an RTS game and Hamichi is a program which allows computers to emulate LAN connections between each other. Guides on how to set the two up together can be found online.
Supreme Allied Commander, Europe (SACEUR)
Gen Dwight Eisenhower was Supreme Commander of US Forces in Europe.He was Supreme Commander of NATO after that.
In WWII, Eisenhower was Supreme Allied Commander in Europe
Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic ended in 2003.
Supreme Allied Commander Atlantic was created in 1952.
supreme commander during WWll was D.Eisenhauer
Gen Eisenhower was the Supreme Commander.
Dwight Eisenhower was Supreme Commander Europe during World War 2
That depends on what you consider better. Forged alliance has more units, while 2 has different technology tree. personally i find forged alliance more fun to play.
NO Bushido is the code of the samurai. A shogun was a supreme military commander in japan