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This is in the wrong category, but I'll repost my answer to another similar question.

First and foremost you'll need a good attitude, a willingness to learn (and to fall, repeatedly and regularly while you learn). Secondly you'll need a sheet of ice on which to play.

You'll generally find this at your local Ice Rink or Arena (look for "Ice Rink" in your phonebook or online [also adding your location]). You should call the rink and inquire about beginner's hockey lessons or "learn to play" sessions.

Once you have a place to play, you'll need your equipment*. This usually consists of a helmet with a cage or face-shield (if you're over 18), skates, stick, gloves, elbow pads, shoulder pads, hockey pants, shin guards, velcro jock shorts or a suspender (if you use a suspender you'll also need a cup and jockstrap) hockey socks and a jersey. You'll also want to invest in some 'hockey tape' (found online or at your rink). At this point, you should be ready to play!

Please remember that if you are just learning to skate there will be a fairly long learning period before you'll even be able to stand up and move in every direction. Persevere and you'll be rewarded in time. Hockey is an extremely fun sport by itself, combined with the novelty of ice skating and it's an experience like no other. I began playing at age 4 and have been playing for 11 years, and stepping on the ice is a novelty every day. Have fun, and be safe!

*If you have trouble affording gear (higher end stuff can be very expensive) your local hockey association or rink may be able to aid you, they often have a stockpile of gear available for new players.

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