You and a few friends do Rock,Paper,Scissors and who ever loses has to go up to someone you LIKE LIKE and rub their arm and moan.
You cannot
Some of these words include: Flak Folk Fork Funk F*ck Fack Flank Flask FleckFlick FlockFrank Freak Frisk Frock Fetlock Futhark Facebook Fastback Firework Flapjack Foredeck Fretwork Feedstock Fieldwork Firebreak Firebrick Firetruck Flashback Firetruck Framework Fingerpick Fiddlestick
Remove the beam. Dont move the ambulance and use the power on it. Dont move the firetruck, use the power on it then again.
fish, fire-fighter outfit, firetruck, fuzzy stuffed animals, fitted outfit, feline, fox-hound
firetruck is a truck that puts out fire. or in other case some times people say "what the Fire truck" which is FiretrUCK so the first letter of firetruck and the last 3 letters spell F*ck
U can either go on google and right fire truck games or if on DS go to GameStop or bestbuy
You have to move the firetruck under the box. Drop the box ontop of the firetruck and then drive the black car onto the firetruck. Drive the firetruck to the trash bin and let the black car go drive into the trash. Stop the firetruck under the ambulance and then drop the ambulance onto the firetruck. After that just park the ambulance in the parking spot. It might take a couple times to get the cars to balance ontop of the crate without falling over.
Yes, several companies make firetruck themed bedding sets.
A firetruck.
In any firestation around.
eight feet
You cannot
Johnny the Amazing Firetruck - 2000 was released on: USA: 16 September 2000