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Q: How do you play bonecrusher on transformers ps2?
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Is Bonecrusher in Transformers 3?

it is very unlikely because he died in Transformers

Can you play as jazz in free play in transformers the game?

no not on Ps2

What does bonecrusher transform into?

Bonecrusher is a character in the Transformers series. He can transform into a Buffalo mine-clearing vehicle that is used by the military.

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Does bonecrusher die in transformers 2?

he died in the first movie

Who dies in transformers?

Jazz, Megatron, Brawl, Barricade, and Bonecrusher.

Can you play as brawl or bonecrusher in transformers the game for ps2?

Actually, yes, you can. But you will need a PC, Then you will need the game after that, download the files of the game using quickbms, and download quickbms. then select an input/output folder for your game, and wait for the files to complete. if you want to actually play as them look on youtube for a modding tutorial.

Will bonecrusher be in transformers 3?

yes. and he will have another fight with optimus prime dam.

Who are brawl barricade and bonecrusher in transformers?

Barricade is the police car mustang that chases bumble, bonecrusher is the tank that fights octomus prime on the hiway, and brawl is the tank

Why is bonecrusher coming out in transformers 3?

Micheal bay said that bonecrusher is his favorite transformer and that that's why his coming back and also because they didn't kill him in the second

Will Bonecrusher die in Transformers 4?

he is already dead sorry mate if he i your favourite character

What type of vehicle is Bonecrusher from the 2007 Transformers Movie?

he was a mine sweper form the military.