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You press E to change your weapons but you have to walk over it first

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Q: How do you pick up guns on thing thing arena 2?
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How do you pick up guns in thing thing arena 3?

you drop a gun by pressing F. Actually, you press Space to drop it. Then run into the gun you wish to use.

How we pick up guns in skull kid 1?

Just pick them up

Can you use T guns when your CT?

Just pick them up.

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You can customize all the guns except the ones you pick up on missions.

How do you pick up guns in the game skull kid?

u cant people

How do you get the stuff on red dead redemption?

The stuff? Could you be more specific. If you mean guns on single player then you can buy them, pick them up or unlock them. Guns online you unlock through ranks, however you can pick them up, but do not keep them.

How do you pick up ammo in combat arms?

There are no ammo pickups, but you can pick up other peoples' guns if they died.

How do you reset a Chevy pick up module?

There is no such thing as resetting the pick-up module

How do you pick up guns on Anti Terrorism Department?

They destroy the ones they do not keep for their own use.

How do you unlock every gun in special ops?

u dont unlock guns they give u guns at the begining of a mission then u can pick them up off the ground

What causes a change in phosphate?

if you pick up every thing

How do you get machine guns in dead rising 2?

You can buy them from pawn shops or kill MERC agents and pick them up.