What exactly are you talking about? If it's to get into Saffron City, then a person in Celadon will give you the 'tea' item and you take it to the guard in the guardhouse blocking Saffron City.
You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.
Simply show it to the sailor who took you onto the SS Anne.
i mean i was really think if it is exis in pokemon hg and ss
you have to get a leaf stone which you can find on the down, right side of the bridge after you pass the weather institute then evolve your lombre. you can also get a leaf stone by getting a green shard and trading it for a leaf stone.
for the ruby you need to go on the ferst island and go on the mt.ember you need to surf to get there when you are here in mt.ember go left you'll see team rocket bloking the entres you'll need to battle them to get in.NOTE!YOU NEED TO GET AT LEAST 60 caught POKEMON AND PASS THE POKEMON LEAGED TO GET THE RUBY AND SAPPIRE!to get the sapphire you'll need the ranbow pass to go to the seven island when you'll there check your map and go to the doted hole you'll need to use cut on the door.
stupid question, Nintendo event!
you have to get the rainbow pass I think.
You get the Rainbow Pass from Bill in order to have access to the other four islands in the sevii islands.
Simply show it to the sailor who took you onto the SS Anne.
Specify which place?
i mean i was really think if it is exis in pokemon hg and ss
If you want to be able to trade with Games outside of Leaf Green/Fire Red you won't bypass the warehouse.
The johto Pokemon are on the sevi islands.
If you have the Mirage pass you can go and get Deoxys and Jirachi. To get the mirage pass you need to go to a Wonder Spot. No need to thank me [:-)
i wish i could help i forgot lets see which one was it....... i cant remember
you first have to give him the ruby stone that you find north of Island 1 then he'll hand over the rainbow pass.to get rainbow pass, beat the elite four and get the ruby to celio.