You go to Floaroma Meadows and talk to Galactic Grunts and battle them. When you beat them they will run away and they will leave the key to the Wind Works.
It was an event in 2009 that you can't access again, sorry.
In Diamond/Pearl/Platinum you have to get the national dex before you can enter the pal park.
im stuck on this too. people say you have to go to oreburgh city, enter mt. coronet and head to the top. they say there is a galactic grunt blocking the passageway that leads to the spear pillar. but i dont see a galactic grunt blocking the picture of pokemon.
You cant open the door.unless you have the Members pass which allows you to get Darkrai. and you can gat the pass only by a wifi event. hope this helps :)
it is easy all you have to do is go through Mt. coronet when you get outside to the snow you'll see rock climbing walls (you need HM rock climb) you will see caves but just pass them, after you climb all rock walls you will see one cave enter it . After entering the cave you will fight team galactic then at the end of the cave you will find Palkia.that will be the peak.
get the windworks key, go into valley windworks, and beat the galactic commander. all the galactic people will leave the area
beat the galactic commander in valley winderworks
beat the elite four and get the national pokedex from professor rowan. go back to mt. cornet and he'll be gone
battle them i guess
be more spcific
you give them moo moo milk
a Nintendo event but i do not know what that is!!!
you get pass turn back cave
It doesn't.
Pokemon trainers don't know for sure.
Yes, you can trade them from diamond and pearl
Beat Cynthia and get the National Pokedex. When you go there he will be gone.