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walk around the gym to the top left.and there be some life to 1,and its the item.

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Q: How do you optain the Lost Item in the Cerulean City gym?
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How do you find your lost Pokemon in FireRed if you put them somewhere and forgot where you put them other than the Pokemon Center?

mayee the daycare their is one outside Cerulean city and the other is on fourisland

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in cerulean cave in cerulean city after defeating the elite 4. and finding the ice type trainer of the elite 4 on 4 island in the lost cave. you have to get a rainbow pass to get to 4-7 islands . 1. defeat elite 4. 2. get rainbow pass. 3. go to 4 island. 5. go to lost cave. ( get passed the cave's mase like puzzle)

What item do you need to make Latios appear in Pokemon SoulSilver and HeartGold?

In soulsilver-after you get the lost item from a man in vermolion city (you can only get it after you talk to a girl in saffaron city who will say she has lost it) the hoenn champion will come and talk to you. He will say that Latios has been released into kanto like entei and raikou in jotho. That's your chance to catch it!

Where are the stolen parts of the powerplant in soulsilver?

it's found in the Cerulean Gym where you face Misty. (found in a pile of inner-tubes after facing a couple of rocket grunts on the left side of the gym.) One rocket grunt will be found in the cerulean gym, and another on the bridge leading to the Cerulean cape. You must beat both of them to recover the lost power plant part though.

What is the lost item in Pokemon soul silver?

a doll in vermillion city.go to the house that says "pokemon fan club".Then,go to saffron city and go to the pink house.when your in the house, go upstairs an d talk to the little girl. Then,go back to vermillion city, talk to the guy by the doll, and he will give you that lost item. return it back to the girl in the pink house. :) thanks 4 reading

When was Lost City created?

Lost City was created in 2004.

Can I get another silver wing if I lost mine?

you get it once and it will be a key item. You cannot be lost.

How much does a lost book cost a sachse library?

The cost associated with a lost book depends on the specific value of the book. According to Sachse Public Library's circulation policy, "For lost and damaged items, the actual cost of a new or an exact replacement item will be charged. A lost or damaged item may also be replaced with an exact, new copy of the item unless the item had special value above a new item." As well, items that have not been returned within a 120-day period will be deemed lost.

How many pages does Lost City have?

Lost City has 420 pages.

How do you fix the generator in heartgold?

The train between Johto and Kanto should run. You can go back to Lavender Town to acquire the EXPN Card so you can wake the sleeping Snorlax. You can also defeat the gym where you found the machine part.

How do you find lost things in India?

You can try online resources such as for listing of your lost item.