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maybe your problem is you think it is the first. just move on until you have beaten all other 7 gyms and then you can get in.

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Q: How do you open viridian gym doors in fire red?
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Where is the last gym in Pokemon fire red?

It is in Viridian City. After you have beten the 7th gym leader it is open

How do you open the viridian gym doors?

You have to beat the other 7 gyms then when u leave 7 gym bill will come out and you will go somewhere blah blah blah do all the stuff go to viridian city there open then the gym uses ground type there

What is the closest gym to pallet town in fire red?

The Viridian Gym (which is the 8th). beside that, there is the Pewter Gym, found above Viridian, after the forest.

LeafGreen 7 gym?

The seventh gym is on Cinnabar island,right down of pallet town.To open the doors you must reach to a certain room of the Pokemon mansion.You get a key and open the seventh gyms doors,and the gym is a fire gym

How do you unlock the doors to the Cinnabar City Gym and the Viridian City Gym in Fire Red?

For the gym doors in cinnabar city, you must go deep into the Pokemon Mansion; on a table you will find the key. The Viridian City gym is the eighth and final gym. After you defeat Giovanni at Silph Co., you will be able to enter the gym and get your final badge. Good luck!

How do you get to the eighth gym in Pokemon FireRed?

After obtaining the other 7 badges you return to Viridian City and the gym will be open.

Where is the eighth gym leader in Pokemon fire red?

The eighth gym leader is in Viridian City. It is the team rocket's leader!

How do you unlock the pewter city gym doors in Pokemon leaf green?

inside the cinnabar mansion deep underground you will find a secret key use that to open cinnabar gym and after you beat the gym bill will come and take you to the sevii islands go with him one gone back to cinnabar island go to viridian city and it will be open if you want go to psypokes for a walkthrough

How do you open gym in viridian city in leaf green?

At the end of the game, 8th gym, Giovani, head of Team Rocket.

Where should you go after defeating blaine the gym leader in fire red?

Go to Viridian city and beat Giovanni,the gym leader

Who is the gym leader in viridian city Pokemon fire red?

Giovanni aka the boss rocket.

How do you unlock the viridian city gym?

Defeat every other gym. The Viridian City gym is actually your last gym, not your first.