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You needed to obtain the mystery gift "Member Pass" from an event. This event allowed you to go to full moon island to catch Darkrai.

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Q: How do you open the locked house in canalave in pearl?
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How do you use the membership card in Pokemon pearl?

You go to the locked house in canalave city and it should let you open the door....sometimes not

How do you open the locked door in canalave city with membercard and event Pokemon pearl?

by eating cheese!!!!

How do you open the locked door in canalave city in Pokemon Pearl?

You need a Member's Card, which is an event item. Inside the house, you go into a bed and go to sleep and fight Darkrai at New Moon Island.

How do you get to new moon island on Pokemon pearl?

First, you will need action replay and get the members card, and go to canalave cave city and the locked door will be open.

How do you open the door that is locked in canalave city diamond?

you need to get a Nintendo event

How do you open the hotel door in carnival city on Pokemon dimand and pearl?

get to front door...try to open it...if its locked...go catch a ditto you need national dex to catch him on canalave city, then go again to the hotel and it will be open

Why wont the house in Canalave City in Pokemon Pearl open?

You cant open the door.unless you have the Members pass which allows you to get Darkrai. and you can gat the pass only by a wifi event. hope this helps :)

Where is the key to open the locked door in canalave.?

check some websites like for a special evant

How do you open the locked door in canalave city on pokemon diamond?

Members pass event if you dont have it then you won't get in

How do you get to Cancave city in Pokemon Pearl and find the key to where Darkrai is?

At a Pokemon event they will either give u darkrai or a memer's pass which u use to open the locked house in canalave from there a guy in the house will make u go to sleep and u will wake up on new moon island and battle and catch darkrai! Hope I helped (:

How do you get Darkrai on Pokemon platinum without action replay?

You get the membership card in the Canalave City Pokemon market and you go to the house where is locked and it won't open. Then you go to the sailor and you keep talking to him until he say to go to the house that is locked and it will open then the guy with the sun glass will take you to the bed and you well dream a nightmare and you will go to the island where is Darkrai. Then you can catch Darkrai. Please correct me if I am wrong.

How do you get to new moon island on diamond version?

you cant but you can get the item to open the locked door in canalave city only by mystery gift