You will need to catch the three lake lengendary pokemon. (Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf).
The Harbor Inn in Canalave City from the Pokemon generation four games can only be opened with the Member Card. This item can only be obtained through an official Nintendo event.
To open up your bag in Pokemon Diamond, simply press X and go to Bag in the Menu. Then, press A.
No. however, if you leave your door open and someone finds it, they can come in to steal your flag.
you can only get there by Nintendo events. the item you get is the MEMBERS CARD. the door will open automatically if you have the card. (sorry to tell you but that event has already passed)
If you mean the harbor door the event is the Darkrai event! It has been distributed previously but you can have it from a friend that has it!
you need the mebemer card that you get at any pokemart from a men in green
You use it by going up to a door that it locked press A and it will open.
Get the key from Mystery Gift and open the door in caveport that is locked.
Members pass event if you dont have it then you won't get in
You will need to catch the three lake lengendary pokemon. (Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf).
you cant. it is a special event that has already passed in Pokemon diamond. the item you have to get is the darkrai pass and then the door opens you fall asleep in the bed then you go into a dream where you find darkrai he is lv 70 hope this helps
By cave floor do you mean maniac cavern? If so then catch all 26 unown
The Harbor Inn in Canalave City from the Pokemon generation four games can only be opened with the Member Card. This item can only be obtained through an official Nintendo event.
In oreder for the door open from the harbor in you have to geet a mystery present from Nintendo wi-fi.Nintendo gives you a key to open up the door
defeat team galactic boss at the team galactic veilstone building.
To open up your bag in Pokemon Diamond, simply press X and go to Bag in the Menu. Then, press A.