once u are in the lighthouse take the stairs to the top until u reach a dead end where there is the light on the right go through and go to the top and talk to jasmine
In order to open the door you have to get to the other beach and there is something there that you get to open the door
The fifth gym can be Jasmine or Chuck. No one is blocking any of the gyms. Although Jasmine might not be at the gym until you help the injured Pokemon.
you need to get a special pass from a nentendo event then you will get the door open
You open the door by shaking the iPod or whatever you have and when it is unlocked you grab the torch and put it on the spider web to burn it and then walk in.
just tap the door
go up the stairs until you get to the top then talk to jasmine
Well, you have to go through the entire lighthouse. Then you'll be inside of the door where Ampharos and Jasmine are. Then Jasmine'll just open the door and tell you to go to Cianwood City and come back with medicine.
You don't. At the furthest you can get in the Lighthouse, there is a window you can walk out of. Walk out of the window, pick up the Rare Candy, and enter through the door. Eventually you will be in that space where Jasmine is. Talk to her and she'll unlock the door for you.
you can't right away. you have to climb ladders to get to her then she unlocks the door (after talking to her) you leave to olivine city when you come back the doors will still be unlocked
what door?! open seasame
there will be a secret door at olivines lighthouse and it will take you to jasmine then go back to the gym then jasmine will battle you
You can open a key lock on a door knob, or you can open a deadbolt lock on the door itself.
If the door is not closed and the draft is going out the window, then yes. An open window can indeed make a door open.
you have to take the stairs all the way to her instead of the elevator
you open the door of the ship in poptrpoica
Open the keys with the door.
You have to open the door or whatever yourself. You do this by pushing a lever or button on the floor below if I remember correctly. To get there you must go out a window (I got stuck for a while trying to figure that out :P)