Press 1
arrow keys: up=open door down=duck left=run to the left right=run to the right S key= jump
There is no such thing as Fancy Pants 3.So - There is no website that you can play it on.
In Fancy Pants 2, the Pants have no power. They just look good on your character. Well, I don't have all the pants so I'm not an expert.
sorry kid but you have to do it yourself this is cheating show the computer what your made of
Press 1
arrow keys: up=open door down=duck left=run to the left right=run to the right S key= jump
arrow keys: up=open door down=duck left=run to the left right=run to the right S key= jump
You can get a Fancy Pants game for the Wii.
fancy pants 2.
Fancy Pants Adventures was created in 2011.
Fancy Pants Adventures happened in 2008.
Fancy Pants - album - was created in 1983.
Fancy Pants - film - was created in 1950.
There is no rainbow colored pants on Fancy Pants Adventure 2. But maybe there will be in adventure 3!
Arrow keys. up= open door down=duck;crouch left=run to the left right=run to the right S key= jump
fancy pants 3 is on armor games and kongregate