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it still has to be released

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Q: How do you open Oblivion shop in aqw?
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you will have to get 100 points to open the shop!

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it has to be released and i think ive seen the shop

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using Henri lu's computer

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watch the glitch on youtube.

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by aqw mau ikut memeber boleh kah sobat

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When will the oblivion's shop open?

only nulgath knows that and there is no proof that oen ever will it is only hope

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you need to finish galanoth quest first :D hope this help

Aqw how to open the shop of artix?

There is no shop of Artix, it is just some guy on youtube who hacked the game and edited a whole bunch of shops and items and called it the Artix shop.

Is there a miltonius shop in AQW?

yes there is a miltonius shop.

Load shop area in aqw?

shop in hyperium

Where is the upgrade shop in aqw?
