Actually, the word 'noob' means 'newbie'. However, many players, especially long time players, tend to use it inappropriately. For example, when they get killed, they will call that killer a noob. Fortunately, there are ways that you can take to avoid being called that. One of them is to dress appropriately, such as trying not to wear formal clothing when playing games, except if you are in places like Kestrel (clothing company) or Trade Hangout. Secondly, don't be too formal when typing. Some people really hate people who type properly and thus will constantly call them a 'noob'. Even then, other people can't be controlled, and will just call people 'noobs' anyway.
There are two kinds of noobs; a new person and a ROBLOX noob. In this question the noob means the ROBLOX noob; which means a idiot. Ask people on ROBLOX if I am right. This is how you get a ROBLOX noob out of your house: KILL HIM!! (If you are on ROBLOX :P)
then your a noob
be a noob
There is no way to copy/paste on roblox for mac. SORRY NOOB!
Be an awesome noob pwnr, that's how.
There are two kinds of noobs; a new person and a ROBLOX noob. In this question the noob means the ROBLOX noob; which means a idiot. Ask people on ROBLOX if I am right. This is how you get a ROBLOX noob out of your house: KILL HIM!! (If you are on ROBLOX :P)
then your a noob
a noob
A noob...
you cannot
be a noob
don't be a noob
actually he is not cause thats me on roblox
There is no way to copy/paste on roblox for mac. SORRY NOOB!
I dont know and I dont care so Blah noob Robloxians. My roblox user is ROBLOX.
October 23, 2011 so it already started QUIT ROBLOX NOW
Be an awesome noob pwnr, that's how.