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Have them look in the paper or on the computer and select "find own place".

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Q: How do you move one of the family members out in sims 2?
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How do you move one Sim from a family of six Sims into a new house on Sims 3?

first u have to go to edit town then click on ur household then click on the blue button with a wall between the two sims then u select the family member u want to kick out

How do you move out on sims free play?

I'm giving advice by the 4 Sim games I have played since you did not provide the version of Sims game in the question. Sims 2 on PS2, The Urbz: Sims in the city, The Sims: Nightlife expansion, and The Sims: Life Stories. There should be an option in your cell phone or wall phone which says Move Out. If not try the Taxi stand outside. If these 2 fail, exit the house to neighborhood view. There should be an option for Sim creation and Lot creation. Inside one of those there should be an option to move the Sim family to the storage bin or to evict the family and automatically put them in the storage bin. Hope this helps.

How do you move out a family on Sims 2?

Go to the neighborhood view, and click on the family thing. It will show all the families you haven't put in houses, and to the left, it shows 2 icons. One shows people with an arrow next to it, then click on the house of the family you want to move out. Then it will ask you if you are sure. Click yes. There you go!

How do you take your furniture with you when you move on the Sims 2?

You have to go to your inventory on one of your Sims. Then you grab your furniture and click in your inventory. Then you have it wherever you go.

How do you get babies at sims 2 apartment pets?

Okay first you need to have Sims 2 Apartment, it doesn't matter if you don't have Sims 2 Pets, as I discovered. Then create a family. 1. Move you'r family into an apartment. Make sure you have two pets in your family. 2. type in "boolprop testingcheatsenabled true" [without "] and drag your pets' relationships up for one enother. 3. Make sure you have a dog house. Make one of you'e Sims selectable and click on one pet. Then click try for offspring with... and click on the other pets name. within 3 days your pets should give birth. Hope I helped.

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On the sims 2 how do you keep a urn when you move house?

Before you move the family out, pick up the urn and move it into one of the Sim's inventory.

Can you adopt or have a kid if you have more than 8 sims on the Sims 2?

I'm afraid you can't have more than eight sims in one household together at a time. I had this family once, when I had sims 2, and I had eight family members and I couldn't get pregnant or adopt any other babies.

How do you move one sims family into another lot?

iapologise for the spelling mistakes in advance =P you can move other families into lots owned by anther family by dragging the family over the lot in the neighborhood menu. THIS CAN NOT be done if the lot will exuded more then 8 people, although you can get more it you use the TOLD (tombstone of life and death) to add the families members one by one (the family your using has to know the other family members) and this can be done as many times as you want there is no people limit this way. if you have any more questions e-mail me at i hope i helped ;)

Why did Gary paulsons family move a lot?

if you read the books you will see that they tell you that when Pa died they finnally settled in one placeA person can leave the lots on The Sims 2 for the PS2, but they will not be able to move their family

Is it easier to start out with one sim or a sims family?

If you're new to playing it's better to start with a single Sim, then move on two a couple and eventually a family.

What is the difference between moving out and kicking out on The Sims 3?

Moving Out is your whole family going to another house and kicking out is one or some of the family being told to move out

How do you move one Sim from a family of six Sims into a new house on Sims 3?

first u have to go to edit town then click on ur household then click on the blue button with a wall between the two sims then u select the family member u want to kick out

How much players do Sims 3 have?

Maximum of 8 Sims in one Family

How many members can you have in your family for the original sims 'sims 1' ps2?

In a Family On the Sims 2 You can have a maximum of 8 people in one family, But if you Put the Cheat '' boolpropTestingCheatsEnabled true '' in the neighborhood screen (exact letters) then go on that family you can then right click on a sim and click '' Make Unselectable '' then you can add another member by either adopting them or adding them from the neighborhood screen you can carry on doing this until you get 15 people.

How do you move your family out of a house on the sims 2 teen style stuff?

The expansion packs work with the game. It is not a separate game. So if you need to know how to move your family out of a house then it will work the same way as with any other expansion pack. What you do is you go to neighborhood mode and click on the family button. Click on the tool that has the icon of a family and an arrow. Then the mouse turns into that icon and you click on the house that you want the family to move out of. Confirm that you want to move the entire family out of the house into the family bin. Then you can move the family into a different house. As far as I know you cannot move a family out of a neighborhood. If you want to move just one sim out of the house you have to click on the newspaper, or phone, or computer and choose the option find own place. Then you'll get the option to move out any other sims with you, but you cannot move out the whole family like that. Happy simming!

How do you move out on sims free play?

I'm giving advice by the 4 Sim games I have played since you did not provide the version of Sims game in the question. Sims 2 on PS2, The Urbz: Sims in the city, The Sims: Nightlife expansion, and The Sims: Life Stories. There should be an option in your cell phone or wall phone which says Move Out. If not try the Taxi stand outside. If these 2 fail, exit the house to neighborhood view. There should be an option for Sim creation and Lot creation. Inside one of those there should be an option to move the Sim family to the storage bin or to evict the family and automatically put them in the storage bin. Hope this helps.

Who is tulisa family members?

One of her family members is my best friend. She is her cousin.